Saturday, October 27, 2007

New skills

There are a few new things that Erin has learned to do. And some new things we let her do. For instance, she can now sit well enough to sit in her stroller without using her car seat. Since Erin has developed a very strong distaste for her car seat, it's made walks much more pleasant. This way, she can also look out at the world, something she certainly enjoys. However, she doesn't seem especially thrilled about the cat hat that Mommy made her wear.

As a prelude to being able to eat solids, Erin has learned to use her tongue to give a raspberry. She'll sit around and just blow raspberries for 10 minutes or more. Sometimes, she'll blow raspberries when she should be eating, but it hasn't hurt her any. She now weighs nearly 15 lbs.

Erin is getting better at sitting, with and without assistance. She was able to sit with the pumpkins long enough to take this picture.

But not much longer....

We continue to work with her on sitting, and continue playing other games with her to get her to develop more new skills. We look forward to what every new day brings.

1 comment:

Linda said...

She is so adorable in that cat hat!!!