Monday, July 6, 2009

World of Christmas and Evergreen Park

On our last trip up north, we took the girls to World of Christmas and the attached Evergreen Park. Since the store is filled with many breakable items, we didn't spend much time in there. It's not fair to ask Erin not to be a bull in a china shop in there!

This is only the second time we've tried to take Erin on rides, because she's generally too short. She didn't like the rides at the State Fair last year, but she's quite a bit older now. Also, they weren't the same kind of thing.

We took a train ride. I wasn't sure how Erin would do, but she loved it!

Erin and Daddy sitting at the station waiting for the train.

Erin got in the bounce house. (These pictures were all taken through the bounce house walls, so they aren't as good as they could be.) Todd had to get in there with her, but once they got in, she had a great time bouncing. Erin's really been into jumping lately, so it's no wonder!



And then we went in the maze. Erin was the one who eventually got us out when Todd put her up on his shoulders. I think she could see over the walls!


Erin doesn't like rocks in her shoes, so she sat down and refused to go any further.


Afterwards, we decided to get a snack! We got Erin her first ice cream cone. Who knew she'd be such a dainty girl? She barely got dirty! She didn't really eat very much, though.







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