Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Play time

We've been trying to get Erin lots of exercise and play time to strengthen her muscles as well as stimulating her mind. We got a great deal on an exersaucer at a garage sale (only $5!), and we've just recently started putting Erin in it. She mostly likes to suck/chew on the fabric, but she's also fascinated by all the different things that make noise.

Erin also enjoys spending time in her bumbo seat, and it helps with her head control. We really like the bumbo seat as a way for Erin to get a different perspective on the world. We actually got two as gifts from two different people! I'd say that's a recommendation!

We've also been reading to Erin whenever she'll let us sit still long enough to read a book! She likes to be walked so much that sometimes it's hard. She's recently started being really interested in the pictures in books, which makes it even more fun for us to read to her.

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